Just had a dream about thermonuclear war, in a country I've never been in, in a place I've never seen, with people I've never met before. I had been flying a plane, piloting it myself, towards shore when the nukes started dropping, I had to fly towards a mountain and large hill and cling to the deck, I eventually bailed out in a town. In this town was unrest and rioting. I found a family holed up in their home, scared, and asked them what was going on. They told me (can't remember what country) was dropping bombs and that they we're too scared to try and make it to the lifeboats. They explained that the nukes didn't hit the coast line as much and that the government planned for survivors to reach lifeboats and be taken out to sea while the unknown country laid siege. The man had a shotgun and I had my service pistol, so we both walked his family out of hell. There was him, his wife, and three children. We went outside through the back into the alleyways. Dispatched a few sociopaths and then made it into the treeline. My mind flashforwarded to the beach where people were climbing onto these simple lifeboats, they covered the coast. Overhead missiles were flying. Eventually we moved out to sea as the sun was setting. The life boats came close together and dropped these basket flares which were just little fires in the water. Many complained, but the bombing had stopped, all we needed to know now was where it was safe to land. Then I woke up.
I had a dream about a flood before that, where I was in this skyscraper filled with random apartments and office rooms and most on the outside of the building, the outside walls were all glass. I woke up to water filling the bottom room, I didn't move until half the room was filled, I climbed to the top floor rather than wait about floor by floor. People were there, people I knew and worked with, but had never met or known before. Outside it was equally sunny and filled with dark clouds. There was water everywhere below and all you could really see were trees and buildings sticking out of the water.
Each of these dreams were not nightmares really, they were weird to say the least.
The night before I had a dream about Hanover, only not the Hanover anyone knows completely. My mind added large sections to it, and changed things around in some different ways. The Home Economics classroom became the music room, their was a weird but cool plant with glowing red flowerbuds growing in the old commons where the vending machines used to be, the ceiling their was tall. Lechien was standing outside of his room. Outside in the middle court area there was bright beaming sunshine, and down the hall the same sunshine was beaming through the front windows by the office. I remember there was a game, I think this part of the dream was really my mind playing an old memory. It was in the old gym, the one we all did P.E. in. I don't remember much of the game it went by fast, leaving though I remember talking to Vince, Matt, then Brenda and Bethany. After that I met Abby in the new large Library addition that was built on the front parking lot. My mind's eye looked at it from above at an angle of about 60 degrees, it was cloudy and dark outside when I did though. When it came to seeing Vince, Matt, Brenda and Bethany, my brain was just replaying old memories, but the library was new, I felt my old feelings for Abby, my brain it seems likes to play tricks on me. In the library we had a conversation, I can't remember what it was it about, it's been too long since I had the dream.
One day yes, but I usually don't remember anything from them at all.
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