Tuesday 20 April 2010

Dear Inebriation

Dear Inebriation,
Once again we play this silly little game,
I go to bed thinking it was but a dream, yet it was all for shame.
The next morning you've left me here alone to to survive,
When I hear about and read the things I've said or done, I could just die.
But don't you worry I'm a joker at heart and I'll laugh it off,
Until the next time you turn me into a big huge jag off...

Thursday 15 April 2010

Best Friend

I've felt your pain, and watched you cry,
And I've sat beside you and made you smile,
I've heard your worst, and seen your best,
And I've taken over when you needed a rest,
I've answered your questions, though sometimes wrong,
And I've made you mad at times, though not long,
We've laughed together and stayed up late,
And all our time together I would not trade.
Who am I, that I know you, then?
I am nothing less than your best friend.

The Question

See the light for what is,
Breathe the air for what it is,
Feel the world for what it is,
Smell the earth for what it is.
But what is it all?

Saturday 10 April 2010

Through the veil...

Through the veil of nightshade we went off to battle far away,
And there we fought hard and long and there we did stay,
As we lay under the intimate night sky speckled with antimony dust,
We we're carried away from bloody basin, our swords left to rust.

Now let all masquerades fall away, and dirt relinquish it's hold,
That we may walk the sands of death, and walk feeling bold,
Let all the oceans of life open up and wash us ever clean,
Blood, and spit, and sweat, and tears, nothing but a dream.

May now we feel the calming bosom of the heavens warm embrace,
And lay our fears and cares to rest with clear mind and face,
Let Fate and Destiny rest their heads and sleep forevermore,
Our journey long and arduous, done, we journey nevermore.

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Some new Haiku

As clouds gently weep,
Heavy hearts lift their heads high,
Pain washing away.

The trees bud new life,
Cold melts away in the sun,
Birds chirp melodies.

Spring whispers softly,
Soft winds caress our souls,
Green fields lift our hearts.